Important Dates
Schedule of Activities for Admission to First Year of Under Graduate Technical Courses in Bachelor of Pharmacy(Practice) for the Academic Year 2024-25

Sr. No.ActivitySchedule
First DateLast Date
1.Online registration of application and uploading of required documents by the Candidate for admission on website
(For Maharashtra State/All India)
12/07/2024 29*/07/2024 UP to 05.00 P.M.
2.Documents verification and confirmation of Application Form for Admission by online mode.
a) By Maharashtra State/All India Candidates shall fill online application form and upload the required documents from any computer connected to internet from anywhere.

Process for E-Scrutiny Mode selected candidates:
1. Such candidate shall fill online application form and scan original document and upload the required documents from any computer/smartphone connected to internet from anywhere.

2. Such candidate need not have to visit to EScrutiny Center for verification and confirmation of the application form. His/her application & documents shall be verified and confirmed by the E Scrutiny Center through eScrutiny Mode.

3. During e-Scrutiny of Application Form of such candidate:

• If no error is found: the status of verification & confirmation of the application form shall be available in candidates Login along with receipt cum Acknowledgement.

•If error is found: the details of errors shall be intimated to candidates by reverting back his/her Application for its rectification through candidates Login

• Candidate shall edit the reverted Application form and re-submit the application for e-Scrutiny through his/her login

• Candidate shall edit the reverted Application in given schedule e-Scrutiny through his/her login.

Process for Physical Scrutiny Mode selected Candidates
• Such candidate shall visit the Physical Scrutiny Center online selected by himself/herself, along with the required documents as per the allotted time slot for online filling, scanning & uploading of required documents, verification and confirmation of application form.

• After verification & Confirmation of application form, Physical Scrutiny Center shall issue the receipt cum Acknowledgement.
13/07/2024 30*/07/2024 Up to 05:00 PM
*Facility of Online Registration & Documents verification, Confirmation of Application Form for Admission to Seats other than CAP Seats shall be continued till cut off date by E-Verification by Scrutiny Center or Physical Verification at Physical Scrutiny Center.
•Applications registered after 29th July 2024 shall be considered only for Non CAP Seats.
• Applications confirmed by Facilitation Center after 30th July 2024 shall be considered only for Non CAP Seats.
3.Display of the provisional merit list for Maharashtra State/All India candidates on website.01/08/2024
4. Submission of grievances if any, for all type of Candidates:
•Candidate shall raise the Grievance about correction required in the data displayed in provisional merit list through his/her Login.
• The application of such candidates shall be reverted back to the candidate in his/her Login for rectification.
• Candidate shall upload the requisite documents to substantiate the claim for any correction/concession.
• The status of acceptance/rejection of Grievance raised by candidate shall be available in candidates Login along with latest receipt cum Acknowledgement.
• Those Candidate who selected physical scrutiny mode shall visit SC for resolving the grievances.
02/08/2024 04/08/2024 Up to 05:00 PM
5.Display of the Final Merit lists of Maharashtra State/All India Candidates on website.06/08/2024

Note : The schedule given above is provisional and may change due to unavoidable circumstances. The revised schedule will be notified on website